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Two good players become one great!

Swegon is merging two of its acquisitions within Climate Ceilings Sector into one of the strongest â€‹offerings in the European market.

​Acquired in 2018 by the Swedish Swegon Group, Zent-Frenger complemented Swegon’s competence and offering of room unit products with modern climate ceiling solutions. Hereby, Zent-Frenger’s high competence in manufacturing and supply chain as well as the ease of its installation through their magnet solution provide for a unique value and position in the market.

In 2022, Swegon acquired Barcol-Air, a company with a remarkable history at the storefront of the climate ceiling technology in the late 80s and with an impressive track-record of further innovative solutions since. This development has been and still is constantly driven by the aim to provide energy efficient solutions for a superior and healthy indoor room climate. Two aspects which just recently have gained importance with high energy prices, our all goal to limit the CO² emissions of buildings and the raising consciousness for a healthy room climate around the recent pandemic.

"By utilizing the radiation in climate ceilings, we can use a high supply temperature for cooling resulting in low energy consumption and still high perceived indoor room comfort"

By leveraging Zent-Frenger’s strong market position and wide geographical presence in Germany with Barcol-Air’s distinct focus for energy efficient solutions and superior room comfort, the recently merged two companies under the new name of “Swegon Klimadecken GmbH” will become one of the leading players in the German Radiant Ceiling market. Other than this “name change”, existing projects and warranties are not affected by this merge, as we continue to work under the same overall ownership and with our existing employees and teams. We continue to listen to our customers and tailor our solutions to their individual needs, establishing ourselves further as a trusted partner from design to installation.

Our customers and partners benefit from great quality, local support and competence, complemented by the expertise of a central technical department in Switzerland as well as solid manu­facturing capabilities. With our high technical competence, in-house simulation software and our own laboratory, we ensure that we deliver optimal comfort in the most energy & cost-efficient way. By doing so, we not only want to provide for a healthy and productive work environment and a positive return-of investment for our as investors or building owners, but we also care about our global climate and the future of our planet.

Swegon Klimadecken GmbH – your partner from the planning to the commissioning

  • Expertise
  • Consulting, dimensioning design
  • Engineering solution
  • Laboratory
  • Simulations/Calculations
  • Modern manufacturing
  • Trusted partner from design to installation
  • Partner network for integrated components
Felix R. Schneebeli