Hållbart och energieffektivt för ett minskat klimatavtryck

Clarion Hotel Umeå

I centrala Umeå ligger moderna Clarion Hotel Umeå mitt i populära Magnekvarteret med fantastisk utsikt över Umeälven. Sedan hotellet, med sitt starka fokus på hållbarhet, invigdes 2022 har hotellgästerna fått uppleva ett gott och energieffektivt inomhusklimat
levererat av Swegon.

Partnering up for an energy efficient solution

When designing an energy efficient solution for ventilation it is important not to forget that the indoor climate still has to be comfortable. A turned off ventilation system can be highly energy efficient, but it rarely delivers a favoured indoor environment. 

Umia AB is a long-term partner to us at Swegon, we joined forces with the HVAC consultants in Skellefteå (now Tyréns) to find a suitable solution for this hotel. At an early stage, we got the opportunity to showcase a possible set-up of the ventilation, based on our Swegon GOLD air handling units (AHUs). Later, together with the consultant, a large number of use-cases were tested to specify air volumes for each air handler in the hotel.


Image to the right: Edvin Eklund

Samarbete för ett hållbart inomhusklimat

Till hotellet skulle det levereras inomhusklimat som skulle försörja hela 13 våningar med 270 hotellrum, restaurang, takbar, gym, spa samt en konferensavdelning med 14 mötesrum och en stor bankettsal. 

När man designar en energieffektiv lösning för ventilation är det viktigt att inte glömma att inomhusklimatet fortfarande måste vara behagligt. Ett avstängt ventilationssystem kan vara mycket energieffektivt, men det ger sällan en gynnsam inomhusmiljö.

I det här stora projektet gick Swegons goda vänner Umia AB och VVS-konsulterna i Skellefteå (nuvarande Tyréns) ihop för att ta fram en ventilationslösning till projektet. Swegon fick då möjlighet att i ett tidigt skede visa upp sin lösning baserat på våra GOLD lufbehandlingssagregat. Tillsammans med konsulten genomfördes sedan en stor mängd aggregatkörningar för att få fram de specifika luftmängderna för varje enskilt aggregat.









Energy savings with our Swegon air handling units

As said, the solution for Clarion Hotel Umeå is based on our Swegon GOLD air handling units, which are placed in fan rooms on different floors throughout the building. The units are of larger models with rotating heat exchangers for energy saving heat recovery. The fans are developed by ourselves which makes them exceptionally efficient and perfectly suited to our units. As a result, they generate very low SFP values.

To the hotel's top floor, a larger Swegon GOLD SD unit has been provided. It serves the entire floor, including the including the restaurant area. Due to the size of this GOLD unit it had to be lifted, by the assistance of a crance, to the top floor. Process that our Swegon technicians support on site.


Image to the left: Martin Edholm

Learn more about heat recovery in our guide

Get familiar with our Swegon GOLD air handling units

Aesthetics in a hotel means custom coloured air diffusers

Units for inside the room were carefully chosen to make sure the fresh air from the AHUs was introduced in a manner that avoids noise and draughts, but ensures a comfortable indoor climate.  

The hydronic comfort module called Swegon PARAGON was provided in each and every guest room for as well ventilation as heating/cooling. Two different types of air diffusers were provided to the lobby, hallways, meeting rooms and other common areas, Swegon EAGLE ceiling and/or PELICAN CE HF. All air diffuseres were custom coloured in dark nuances which make the products blend in with the dim and calm interior design of the hotel. 


Understand ventilation, read our guide

See our products for the room
We have, together with Swegon, met the challenging requirements and designed a sustainable and energy efficient indoor climate for all guests to enjoy
Namn / företag

Why Swegon, in this case or other projects?

At Swegon, we previously been asked to partner up with the real estate owner Diös, as well as with Umia and VVS-konsulterna i Skellefteå. The good experiences of each others' work and products was the determinant factor to invite Swegon also this time.

We have for many years provided a number of hotel projects with solutions for ventilation, heating and cooling. Not only are we knowledgeable and skilled in regards to the actual HVAC profession, we also have deep understanding in how important a good indoor climate really is. Learn more in our recommended guides below:


The indoor climate guide - why indoor climate matters

Swegon application guide: Hotels


Till Clarion Hotel i Umeå har följande produkter installerats för att förse hotellet med ett gott inomhusklimat.