Our digital services are gathered under the name of Swegon INSIDE. These services allow different target groups to monitor, control and visualise compatible units in an HVAC solution, as well as the indoor climate inside a building. The INSIDE services allow for adjustments to be made to ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor environment that causes minimal strain on the environment and that improves building economics.


The INSIDE Portal is the entry point for Swegon units compatible with Swegon INSIDE and it is also here that you request additional digital services.

INSIDE Portal allows you to:

  • Monitor key parameters
    • Status of inlet/outlet temp., setpoint, unit status etc.
    • Active alarms
  • Gain high level insights into the unit performance
  • Subscribe to alarm notifications from connected units directly to your email
  • Easily activate additional services that can increase the efficiency of your system
  • Invite portal users to share insight and delegate level of access

INSIDE Portal is free of charge

How do I connect my product?

Guides on how to connect Swegon products to INSIDE Cloud

Get started!

What is INSIDE Ready?

INSIDE Ready means that the product has the capability to securely connect and deliver data to the Swegon INSIDE Cloud. In order to be INSIDE Ready, the product must have a certain hardware version, a software equal to or above a certain version and a valid product certificate. Many products in the field fits the hardware requirement and can be updated with a proper software version that allows them to download the needed certificate.

In the table below you can see the requirements.

The following products are INSIDE Ready compatible

Compatibility between products and services

  INSIDE Portal INSIDE App INSIDE Analytics/Visualiser INSIDE Manager INSIDE Optimiser
GOLD air handling units    
Chillers & Heatpumps    
Smoke & Fire Soon available       Soon available
Non Swegon products      

INSIDE Connect price list

These prices are valid for INSIDE Connect licences purchased for the period 240101-250401.

License Price (SEK) Price (Euro) Price (NOK) Price (CHF) Price (GBP)
INSIDE Connect License* (per connected unit and month**) 100 SEK €10 100 NOK 10 CHF £8

*24-month fixed-term contract.
**The price list is applicable up to a monthly data consumption of 1 GB per month per unit. Normal usage is around 150 MB/month. Should the usage exceed 1 GB/month/unit, Swegon reserves the right to charge an additional cost of €2 /GB/month.

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Swegon INSIDE Services


Download documents

Comprehensive detailed product information for the best selection and integration in project design
Installation, Operating, Maintenance and Safety information
Our products and services presented in an easy-to-access manner
Declarations and certificates etc
Wiring diagrams and hydraulic schemes etc
Document Article Document type Date Download
Security recommendations (pdf 206.85kB) GOLD/COMPACT/SuperWISE I, SuperWISE II IOM Manual 26/10/2023
Product data sheet & Firewall settings (pdf 152.14kB) Digital services Technical catalogue 06/11/2024
Swegon DS-23 General Terms and Conditions (pdf 515.07kB) Digital Services Technical catalogue 09/12/2024
INSIDE App brochure (pdf 467.32kB) INSIDE App Brochure 26/02/2024